Black: | Rf8, Ba7, b6, a5, Ke4, g3, e2, Re1, Bh1 |
White: | Nb7, Qd7, f7, c6, b5, Kg5, Bh5, b4, f4, d2 |
Non-thematic: 1. Sd6+? Kd3!/Kd4! 1. Kg4? (2. Lg6#) Lf3+! 1. Dd6? (2. De5+ Kd3 3. Dc3+ Ke4 4. Dc4#) Lb8! 1. Lg6+? Kf3 2. Dd5+ Kf2...
Set: 1. - Tg8+? 2. fxg8~ #3
Thematic try: 1. Df5+? Kd4 2. Lg6 (3. Dd3#) Le4? 3. Dxe4# However: 2. - Kc4! 3. Dd3+ Kxb4!
That alternative is being cancelled by:
1. c7! threatening (2. Dc6+! Kd3/Kd4 3. Dc3+ Ke4/Kd5 4. Dc4#/Dd3+ Ke6 5. Dd6#) 1. - axb4 (2. - K~ 3. - bxc3!) Thanks to Fernblock b4 2. Df5+ 3. Lg6 seems obvious; 3. - Kc4(?) 4. Dd3#, however, due to key-move: 3. - Lxb7!! (4. - Kc5!) To master this, White comes up with a 'heroic' idea: 2. Sc5+(!) "Kraft-Masse-Transformation", active self-sacrifice on the point to be guarded / aktives Selbstopfer auf dem Punkt der Deckungspflicht 2. - bxc5 Now it counts / Jetzt gilt es! 3. Df5+ Kd4 4. Lg6 (5. Dd3#) c4, instead of - Lxb7 And: 5. De5#! 4. - Le4 5. Dxe4#
Thriller about three coherent blocks.
Uncommonly progressive use of Kraft-Masse-Transformation: advanced, Pc5 is blocking again! First threat over full distance, mobile black king, Dresden defence, temptations.
Sub-ordinated: 1. - Tc1? 2. Lxe2! multiple threats, leaving only revange checks, #5, s. set.